A Building from God

One of the many images the Bible gives for the church is that of a “building”. As a building we understand from scripture that Jesus Christ is the cornerstone. That means that Christ sets the standard for the rest of the building. Therefore whatever is built must be built in reference to Him.

In Ephesians 2:17-22, the Bible states that we are “growing into a holy temple in the Lord.” Our challenge is to never stop growing and developing in our Christianity. When we are doing our part, as a part of God’s holy building, we also are strengthening the other parts that make up this building.

Also found in the book of Ephesians is the great theme of unity. the apostle Paul addresses the unity of the “building”, the unity of the spirit, the unity of God and the unity of the faith. It is only through the standard set by the “cornerstone” that such unity is possible. Remember Jesus Christ brought the Jews and Gentiles together into His “building”. Much can be accomplished today when Jesus Christ, the “cornerstone”, becomes our standard. After all, it is God’s building, isn’t it?


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